Frequently asked questions
Questions and answers on registering and attendance
(Note: Here you will find a summary of questions and answers on selected shareholder rights. For details on the exercise of individual shareholder rights, please refer to our agenda and the "Information on Agenda Item 1 and Shareholders‘ Rights rights" at
Show content of How can I participate in the virtual Annual General Meeting?
The Annual General Meeting will be held on Thursday, May 16, 2024, 10:00 CEST as a virtual Annual General Meeting without the physical presence of shareholders or their proxies at the location of the Annual General Meeting. Via the access-protected shareholder portal, shareholders and their proxies who have duly registered by May 10, 2024, 24:00 CEST can exercise various shareholder rights (including voting rights) and also connect to the virtual Annual General Meeting. The entire Annual General Meeting will be broadcast live on the internet at from 10:00 CEST on May 16, 2024 for shareholders and the interested public in picture and sound. The video and audio broadcast of the Annual General Meeting will also be available via the access-protected shareholder portal.
Show content of How can I exercise my voting rights?
A personalized registration form is also enclosed with the invitation documents sent by mail or e-mail. Until May 10, 2024, 24:00 CEST (date of receipt), you can also use this registration form to register for the Annual General Meeting and cast your votes by postal vote or authorize the company's voting representatives to vote on your co-behalf in accordance with your instructions. Alternatively, you can authorize another bank, a shareholders' association or other intermediary, or also another third party.
Our access-protected shareholder portal offers you a convenient and secure alternative for exercising your shareholder rights. There you can register for the Annual General Meeting until May 10, 2024, 24:00 CEST and, for example, change and finalize your voting behavior by postal vote even on the day of the Annual General Meeting until the end of the voting.
Show content of On what date do you have to hold Deutsche Bank shares to be entitled to vote?
Pursuant to § 67 (2) sentence 1 Stock Corporation Act, only those who are listed in the share register as shareholders can exercise shareholder rights in relation to the company. Therefore, the status of the entries in the share register on the day of the General Meeting is decisive for determining the voting rights and other shareholder rights to which a shareholder who has properly registered for the General Meeting is entitled. For technical processing reasons, however, no changes to the share register will be carried out (so called “registration stop”) between the end of May 10, 2024, 24:00 CEST (so called “technical record date”), and the conclusion of the General Meeting. Therefore, the entry status in the share register on the day of the General Meeting will correspond to the status after the last change of registration on May 10, 2024, 24:00 CEST. The registration stop does not mean the shares are blocked for disposal. Share buyers whose change of registration requests are received by the company after May 10, 2024, 24:00 CEST, however, cannot de facto exercise the rights to vote and other shareholder rights on the basis of these shares, unless they have obtained a power of attorney to do so or an authorization to exercise such rights. In such cases, voting rights and other shareholder rights are retained by the shareholder entered in the share register until the change of registration. All buyers of the company’s shares who are not yet registered in the share register are therefore requested to submit change of registration requests in due time.
Show content of Can non-shareholders also follow the Annual General Meeting
The entire Annual General Meeting will be broadcast live with audio and video via the internet on May 16, 2024, starting at 10.00 CEST at for shareholders and interested public viewers.
Show content of Can I submit a counterproposal at the Annual General Meeting?
Shareholders who are electronically connected to the Annual General Meeting may also submit countermotions and election proposals as well as other motions during the Annual General Meeting by way of video communication, i.e., as part of a speech, without the prior transmission of the motion or election proposal being required in accordance with §§ 126, 127 AktG. To do this, the shareholder must register for a speech via the access-protected shareholder portal, in the context of which he can then submit his motion or election proposal.
Show content of How can I send a counterproposal?
The company’s shareholders may submit counterproposals to the proposals of the Management Board and/or Supervisory Board on specific Agenda Items and election proposals for the election of members of the Supervisory Board or auditors before the General Meeting. Such counterproposals (with their reasons) and election proposals are to be sent solely to:
Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft
Investor Relations
60262 Frankfurt am Main
and must be received at the above address no later than Wednesday, May 1, 2024, 24:00 CEST. Counterproposals should stipulate a reason; this does not apply to election proposals.
Show content of Where can I view any possible counterproposal?
Shareholders are given the opportunity to submit counterproposals and election proposals to the Company for publication on the Company's website prior to the Annual General Meeting in accordance with sections 126 (1), 127 AktG. Deutsche Bank AG will make duly submitted countermotions and election proposals by shareholders available on its Annual General Meeting website, including the name of the shareholder and, in particular, in the case of counterproposals, the reasons and, in the case of election proposals, the contents to be supplemented by the Board of Managing Directors, if any, pursuant to section 127 sentence 4 of the Stock Corporation Act, as well as any statements by the administration.
Show content of Can I submit a statement for publication before the Annual General Meeting?
Shareholders have the right to submit statements concerning the Items on the Agenda in text form through the means of electronic communication at the latest by Friday, May 10, 2024, 24:00 CEST.
The statement is to be submitted while specifying name and shareholder number solely using the e-mail address specified in the following:
It is kindly requested that the statement length be limited to a reasonable size in order to enable a proper inspection of the statements. A length of 10,000 characters at a maximum should serve as orientation.
The company will make the statements accessible at the latest by Saturday, May 11, 2024, 24:00 CEST, while specifying the name of the submitting shareholder on the website Statements will not be translated by the company.
Show content of Can I provide a spoken comment during the Annual General Meeting?
At the General Meeting, shareholders or their authorized representatives who are properly registered and electronically connected to the General Meeting have a right to speak through the means of video communication. Proposals and election proposals in accordance with § 118a (1) sentence 2 No. 3 Stock Corporation Act as well as all relevant types of requests for information pursuant to § 131 Stock Corporation Act may be part of the speeches. The designated Chair of the General Meeting plans to determine during the meeting in accordance with § 131 (1f) Stock Corporation Act that questions may be raised at the virtual General Meeting only through the means of video communication, i.e., when exercising the right to speak.
Minimum technical requirements for exercising the right to speak are a web-enabled device with a camera, microphone and audio output (e.g., loudspeakers or headphones) as well as a stable Internet connection. Recommendations for an optimal functionality of the video communication can be found on the company’s website at
The company reserves the right to check the functionality of the video communication between the shareholder and company at the General Meeting and before the speech and to refuse such if this functionality is not ensured. Independently of this, the company will offer shareholders or their representatives the opportunity on a non-binding basis to test the functionality of the video communication for the speech on the day before the General Meeting.
Shareholders who make use of the possibility to speak in audio and video during the General Meeting should note that the entire General Meeting, including such speech, will be broadcast live on the Internet for shareholders and interested public viewers without access restrictions and the entire General Meeting, including the speeches, will be recorded. A publicly accessible download of the recording shall not be made available after the General Meeting on the company’s website. Please note that the Chair of the General Meeting will call up the shareholder or his or her authorized representative scheduled to speak in specifying his or her name.
Show content of Where do I submit my questions and by when?
With a view to a better answer quality and an increased transparency vis-à-vis shareholders, the Management Board decided on the basis of § 131 (1a), (1b) sentence 2 Stock Corporation Act that shareholders or their authorized representatives who have properly registered for the General Meeting, in order to exercise the right to request information pursuant to § 131 Stock Corporation Act, have to submit their questions to the company at the latest three days before the General Meeting, i.e., by Sunday, May 12, 2024, 24:00 CEST, through the means of electronic communication. This pre-submission of questions may take place solely using the access-protected shareholder portal specified in the section “Access to the shareholder portal and electronic connection to the meeting” in German or English; another form of submission is excluded. The company will answer all questions properly submitted within the framework of the shareholders’ right to request information pursuant to § 131 Stock Corporation Act by Tuesday, May 14, 2024, 24:00 CEST, and will make the questions and the related answers accessible at the latest as from this time and during the entire General Meeting on the company’s website at solely in German – and, for questions originally submitted in English, the questions and additionally the answers also in English (whereby in any event the answer in German is authoritative).
Show content of Can I also submit questions during the Annual General Meeting?
At the General Meeting, properly registered shareholders or their authorized representatives who are connected to the virtual General Meeting using the access-protected shareholder portal may, pursuant to § 131 (1d) Stock Corporation Act, raise follow-up questions through the means of electronic communication concerning all of the answers provided by the Management Board in advance of and during the virtual General Meeting; furthermore, they may raise questions during the virtual General Meeting pursuant to § 131 (1e) Stock Corporation Act through the means of electronic communication concerning matters that have first arisen after the deadline for executing the right to ask questions in advance of the virtual General Meeting, i.e., after Sunday, May 12, 2024, 24:00 CEST. The designated Chair of the General Meeting plans to determine during the meeting in accordance with § 131 (1f) Stock Corporation Act that in the spirit of the equal treatment of shareholders the right to request information in the virtual General Meeting may only be exercised through the means of video communication.
Show content of Will my name be disclosed when answering pre-submitted questions?
In answering and making questions accessible before the General Meeting, the name of the questioner may be disclosed only if the consent to the disclosure of the name was explicitly stated upon the submission of the question. There is no claim to the disclosure of the name even if such consent was stated.
Show content of In which language will the AGM be held?
The AGM will be held in German. A transmission with English translation will be available.
Show content of What should I do if I have received several invitations to the Annual General Meeting?
You have probably been registered by your bank or custodial bank more than once in the share register. Please contact the shareholder service. They will advise you how you can merge your share inventories with the help of your bank(s)/custodial bank(s).
Show content of What should I do if I did not receive an invitation?
Reason for this may be that the acquisition of the shares was after the deadline for dispatch of the invitation letter (the entry in the share register was made after Tuesday, May 07, 2024, 07:00 CEST, last dispatched as of Tuesday, May 07, 2024, 07:00 CEST). All new shareholders entering the share register after Tuesday, May 07, 2024, 07:00 CEST will not receive any invitation documents. The invitation letter may also not have been received due to unreported address change. In this case, please contact the shareholder service and ask for a new cover letter and enter the new, correct address.
If the bank/custodial bank has not had you entered into the share register, please contact your bank/custodial bank.
Show content of Important dates
Please find important dates like the next Annual General Meeting and the publishing dates for the preliminary results and the Annual Report in our financial calendar.

Shareholder Service
For further questions on the Annual General Meeting, please contact the Shareholder Service at
+49 6916 8870 704 from Mon-Fri, 9:00 to 17:00 CEST.